
flo throws parties!!

flo's officially hosted our first bachelorette party!
Congratulations Julianna and an extra big thank you
to the brave ladies who came out last Saturday and faced the heat!
10 ladies signed up for 3 hours of play. Splitting in two groups,
some ladies made beads, some made paperweights!
What a fantastic group! Thanks for coming out and playing with fire ladies!
oh, and for remembering to sign the hood ;)
For more information about our creative glassblowing parties,
take a look at our party planning section of our website.
Or email floglassblowing@gmail.com



Thursday August 24th flo participated with the Enriched Bread Artists in 'PoP That' a wild and expressionistic exhibit... one of which we chose to take quite literally, disobeying all normal rules in glass and installing burst and broken bubbles in an array to the ceiling.
The EBA artists are located right down the street from us
in a funky old bread factory.
Uta Riccius next to her work

Thanks to all those who were able to make it out, and a special thanks
to the EBA for welcoming us and for hosting such a great evening!


flo's fall glassblowing schedule!

Rest assured Ottawa, there are many glassblowing classes to be had this coming fall at FLO!

1 Day - Beginners Glassblowing - Play w Fire - Saturday 10am-5pm - $175
  • september 17th
  • october 8th
  • november 5th
Full Weekend - Beginners Glassblowing - Beginners Bubble - Sat/Sun 10am-5pm - $325
  • September 24th/25th
  • October 22/23rd
  • November 19/20

Intermediate Glassblowing Part 2 - Bubble and Beyond - Sat/Sund 10am-5pm $325

  • To be held in October, exact weekend date to be confirmed. Pls enquire.
Don't forget! If you have a party of 3 or more, we can book group classes catered to your timelines. email floglassblowing@gmail.com to register or with any questions at all!


POP that!

How exciting! Our neighbours, the Enriched Bread Artists are having an exhibit TONIGHT at their studio and they've been sweet enough to let us put in our own wee 'pop' installation.

Shows on tonight from 8-11pm at the EBA studio 951 - Gladstone Ave.
Or if you're free today, pop in next door! We're holding demonstrations all day at flo, afterall these rain storms make for great glassblowing weather :)


good design is...

Oh how i love thee documentaries!

Taken from the movie Objectified, if one is short on time, this video picks up at the 'minute forty five' period.

Believe it or not, people like this man reaffirm my place in the world. You'll start watching and go 'um really?' - yes. really. enjoy.