family of melodys
A few tunes randomly recorded from the living room...
daveo on drums/base/guitar/backupvocals
dad on guitar/vocals/base
guy (not a member of the fam) on guitar/vocals/drum
me on vocals
If its not already known I have a wonderfully musical family. When we get a group of us together, one of my most adored activities is to bring out whatever instruments we can find and play.
Among my extensive family tree of marvelous musicians, we have:
Grandpa Jewitt – in his mid 80’s and still recording his own singing and piano tracks in his mini studio at home.
Don (papa) Jewitt – in his free time leading a 9 piece charity band (with full horn section). Amazing pianist, guitarist and singer. Writer of two of my favourite albums.
the late Jeff Murphy (mothers brother) – Musician all his life, singing and playing guitar across the country. Raising amazingly talented boys one of which being…
Jay Sparrow – Lead singer of ‘Murder City Sparrows’, an Edmonton band that’s been making huge leaps and bounds in the Canadian music industry. Amazing singer songwriter and guitarist.
wee brother, Isaac Matthews – Mini icon in his teenage musical career. Talented singer, actor, guitarist. Constantly wining awards and prizes in every competition he enters and about to embark into the field in his post high school excellentness.
And it goes on…
cousin Neils Jewitt – meanest harp skills I’ve seen
uncle Daveo Jewitt – energized and interchangeably moving from bass, drums, guitar and vocals nearly all at once
brother Lucas Jewitt – guitarist and most recently basses, shy but skilled
cousin Nathaniel Jewitt – great singer, doboro player and guitarist
cousin Nick Jewitt – sweet base vocals
Ian Matthews (dad#2) - amazing drummer
cousin Lenny Murphy – amazing drummer
sister Glory Jewitt – crowd energizing tambourine girl
even Carolyn (mother) Matthews – leading in her harmonium playing, kirtan singing goodness.
It might now be a little more clear as to why my name is Melody
or why playing music with my family is one of my most enjoyable past times.
'creativity is as important as literacy'

He is a very interesting and quite entertaining speaker.
View his lecture questioning if 'schools kill creativity' on Ted
Read his bio
Find his book
pick a weekend, rent some lenses!

With the digital era being what it is, everyone and their mother now classifies as an amateur 'photographer' and why not?! Whatever means you can use to express yourself creatively is something I'm in support of, and personally, people producing better pictures in the world makes my heart happy.
However, one thing that pains me often is not having better equipment to shoot photos with. I have a good camera (Canon Rebel) with one lens. Although my one lens satisfies basic needs, I find myself daydreaming of varying lenses constantly, knowing full well it wont be a 'priority' for a while to come.
So how do you resolve this problem? Get to your local camera store (Ottawa/Toronto areas I recommend Visteck) and rent a lens! Day rentals on camera lenses can range from $20-$40 but when you rent on Friday you get it thru till Monday. So pick a weekend that you know something entertaining is happening and try out something different in your peripheral view.
This weekend my friend Kelly and I went to the Canadian Museum of Nature. Great lighting, interesting subject matter and you're hanging out with a heap of kids all day. It doesn’t take long to get inspired.

view more photos on flickr
Create, Inspire, Evolve
I've been trying to determine for sometime what my first official post would be within this mysterious world of 'blogging.'
I'm glad I've given it time to stew in my mind… to grumble and moan, “What do I have to say?”
I'd like to be part, in some way, of the shift that is taking place in the world right now. On so many levels, as seen in politics, the economy, and the environment, ‘change’ is the opportune word of the times. Eyes are wide open and attention is finally paid to those who have something to say.
Creativity most recently has developed a stronger voice in
Hand-made versus mass production; quality versus quantity; clever versus common; these are shifts that excite me. These are the shifts I want to take part in.
Art has been given such little praise in the realistic world of priorities. In an economic downturn it's not questioned to be the first of the cut backs in governmental spending.
But 'art', by my definition, is all forms of expression that fuel creativity. And creativity, as described by new urban thinkers such as Richard Florida, is the future craze, and the one activity needed to sustain the economy for the times ahead.
I'm surprised at my own intensity for the politics of this subject. In a very simple form I just like to make things, all things, anything, as often as I can!
My name is Melody Jewitt. I am a glassblower by trade, a musician by heart, and a dreamer of many other creative channels such as writing, photography, sketching, videography, and painting.
Here's hoping this is one more channel within this massive internet stream that fuels a little more creative flo in your every day existence.