
Create, Inspire, Evolve

I've been trying to determine for sometime what my first official post would be within this mysterious world of 'blogging.'

I'm glad I've given it time to stew in my mind… to grumble and moan, “What do I have to say?”


I'd like to be part, in some way, of the shift that is taking place in the world right now. On so many levels, as seen in politics, the economy, and the environment, ‘change’ is the opportune word of the times. Eyes are wide open and attention is finally paid to those who have something to say.

Creativity most recently has developed a stronger voice in North America.

Hand-made versus mass production; quality versus quantity; clever versus common; these are shifts that excite me. These are the shifts I want to take part in.

Art has been given such little praise in the realistic world of priorities. In an economic downturn it's not questioned to be the first of the cut backs in governmental spending.

But 'art', by my definition, is all forms of expression that fuel creativity. And creativity, as described by new urban thinkers such as Richard Florida, is the future craze, and the one activity needed to sustain the economy for the times ahead.

I'm surprised at my own intensity for the politics of this subject. In a very simple form I just like to make things, all things, anything, as often as I can!

My name is Melody Jewitt. I am a glassblower by trade, a musician by heart, and a dreamer of many other creative channels such as writing, photography, sketching, videography, and painting.

Here's hoping this is one more channel within this massive internet stream that fuels a little more creative flo in your every day existence.


  1. A Richard Florida shout out in the maiden blog entry, I did not see that coming! I'll have to fax you over a copy of my "Northern Mockingbird Brief" which outlines Thunder Bay's potential economic recovery through the active cultivation of a vibrant Arts and Creativity culture interlinked with traditional industry. (The Northern Mocking Bird is the state bird of Florida, which is also Richards last name, plus we're a 'Northern' community which was a fun coincidence, and I enjoy excessively clever names for things so it seemed to fit....also one of the first books I ever read was Pelican Brief so I basically just stole it from Julia)

    Good luck with the weblog!

    Lucas Out.

  2. why havent i read this yet?! ahhk
    send me your 'northern mockingbird brief' please!
