
ike & i

I have a heroic brother named Isaac. Ike's 22, kind and gifted in any creative medium he should choose to venture into... and currently I am so very happy to say he is in remission while fighting leukemia.

Ike's lived his (young) life chasing fiercely after his creative needs. He's dabbled in architecture; is an incredible singer/songwriter and as it appears a talented writer.

Please take a minute to read his first public post since facing the news a little over a month ago.

Suffice to say, this period of my life has taught me some interesting realizations aswell, but if there were one i could mention now it would be - keep creating. Wherever your focus, whatever area of your life that makes you happy, create the life you want now and never take those dear ones for granted. I've been creating like a hellion these past few weeks and the inspiration that has bloomed has been oh so rewarding.


kids in the capital - go with the flo

Thanks to Kids in the Capital for blogging about our kids (and adult) friendly glassblowing workshops and drop-in activities. This post from May, highlights the same activities we take part in weekly at the shop with families, students and yes - kids!

'Blow your own ornament' is a great drop-in activity or party event for kids AND adults who want the smallest taste of the glassblowing tradition. You pick the colours, you blow the air and you keep your beautiful creation and an exhilarating experience for only $25 a ball! Great early christmas presents for loved ones! Call in advance for day drop-ins or to book a group party! floglassblowing@gmail.com 613.695.3563