To the right of me I watch the furnace purr. 2000 degrees Fahrenheit it sits billowing soft flames from its door. Fresh, molten glass awaiting me – here – in Ottawa! I’ve been waiting so many years to say that. I have the tendency to only allow a certain amount of excitement to build until that monumental task is complete… I reach that task to realize that a new, much more pressing task awaits in the horizons so I again I wait to get excited until the next hurdle has passed. Yes - there are still big hurdles that await. We need to make some money and get this business buzzing, but for the moment, on this day, I deem myself very
very excited! So many people have chipped in from every end of my life offering their support and extending a hand where they can - thank you thank you thank you!! I am feeling very loving and lucky lately. This week we can anticipate some wonderful hail and rain showers while the easter bunnies are at play. This doesn’t bother me now that it’s warm in the studio. I will be a busy bee finally able to start making the work (after being down for 6 months). If you are in the Ottawa area come by for a visit. The studio is now open Tuesdays-Saturdays 10am-5pm Here's what my view of the shop looks like today :) more pics coming soon

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