I understand this may not sound very exciting.. repeating the same actions like a machine over and over again.. but mann am i going to be able to make a mean bird when im done hehehe. And I am so excited to line them all up when im finished and take a picture of my flock!
Ok so real news/updates here:
1- This weekend is the Merrickville Yard Sale. That means all old (interesting) loot in the studio is marked down to make way for a new season of work! Its both Saturday and Sunday (but itd be wise to go satuday) all day 8-5pm.
2- As of May 1st. New studio hours (until details on the move unfold)
Tues-Frid 1-5pm Sat&Sund 10-5pm
3- As of May 1st KISS MY GLASS building goes on SALE! Its inching its way closer... its a simple formula really, when the studio space in merrickville sells, Flo Glassblowing moves to Ottawa. So please keep all fingers and toes and legs crossed in hopes that its not on the market long, im so antsy give Flo a home in the city.
Also, it appears I've got two gallery shows coming up in Ottawa?! Kick ass!
Wall Space Gallery will be newly representing my work as of May! The two shows i'll be taking part in are...
Colour & Form - May 15-31th All Things Pop - June 11-28th