- As of today, i'm no longer unemployed but self employed. I am now full time all the time towards this business. Hours are logged. Weekdays are regimented. Start time is always 10am. Unfinished sections of business plan completed and ready for editing by home time.
- Production starts. I've hired my first part time employee!! and weekends are now spent in Merrickville designing and creating work.
- system reboot - 10 day fast starting today.
- wow i've missed walking as a bare minimum activity for the day. Rule of thumb, must sweat once a day.. easily done in the hot shop.. less easily done in city... but now mandatory.
- stay focused... everything other than glass this month is a 'hobby' meaning secondary to my now full time job. (this includes music which hurts me but i'll do it)
- 1 glass of wine max a day... noo booze! this one hurts too espeically when it comes to christmas parties such as the one i'll be attending tonight.
To be truthful I really hate announcing my goals in the open but i force myself to do it because if theres anything i cant stand its people who say they're going to do shit and dont. Sooo if i announce it somewhere public then it actually gives me a bit more gusto to accomplish the goal.
There is ONE small extra curricular that i'll be taking on this month and only because 'tis the season. I usually do one personal project for the fam at christmas... previous years have included glass items, mixed cds, photographs etc. This year I decided to make a family advent calendar of sorts. While in Tbay i went through a serious nostalgic kick and ended up sorting through hundreds of photos. I scanned some of my favourites and will edit 3 a day to post on facebook. Usually id try to avoid doing this stuff on facebook but it only make sense because then i can tag the individuals in the photo and if they want a copy of it they've got it.
Anyhow, happy serious work your ass off December.
If you want to view the nostalgic advent album click here.
Otherwise I'll post a few of my favourites from time to time.