Despite best intentions, I seem to have dropped off the radar these past few weeks. And as a consequence, the longer I was away the harder it was to bubble to the surface again and remember where to start.
I sit in what I newly deem my ‘layer’. The layer is my new office where im hell bent and determined to finish that big looming document that keeps me from moving forward with my plans. To recap all those who are out of the loop (and to hopefully keep from repeating myself 20 times a day)… I’ve quit my day job to finish my business plan, to finally merge and relocate our studio into Ottawa, to make a decent living doing something that gets me excited and to better educate the populace of the mesmerizing and inherent wickedness that is glassblowing. I’m in transition… quite the understatement. And yet, every transition has made me giggle a touch more gleefully.
Due to the fact that I’m now unemployed and free to roam as I please, I’ve decided to take this entire month back in my home town of Thunder bay. The lists of reasons to come home are both personal and work related… perhaps contradictory and overly ambitions. I don’t know how I manage to tack on so many extra to do lists or how I fully plan on accomplishing it all but I honestly wish to achieve the following while here:
1 – glass
- complete bus. plan
- launch new website
2 – music
- refine and record 5 of my song
- record lyrics for dads childrens album
- write 3 bones to songs w luc for SOG
- play live jazz, solo stuff, SOG & backup
- partake in as many group jams as able
3 – photos
- capture Tbay in a collection of shots
- practice photoshoots w kel
4 – personal
- relax. get grounded
- regroup. get motivated
- recap w old friends
- good visits w all the family
- fuel creativity wherever inspired
- escape the city embrace all things nature
These lists all have sub-lists presented in order of importance with extra stars, highlights and underlines where needed… but mainly this visit is because I can. I have the opportunity to and ultimately it’s making my heart happy. By no means does this entail me staying in Thunder Bay however. I’m home to relax and accomplish a few goals then get back to the races.
Annnd at that, maybe its best I get back to this plan of mine.
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